
Inpatient Procedures

If your doctor feels that you would benefit from an endoscopic procedure, they will discuss this in detail with you at your consultation and go through the consent for the procedure. Our admin staff will then book you for a date and location that suits.  In some cases, your doctor may consider your appropriate for Direct Access Endoscopy.

Types of Inpatient Procedures:

Most procedures require some preparation such as fasting or bowel preparation. You will be sent your booking details and comprehensive instructions on what to do before your procedure and what to expect afterwards.

Inpatient procedures are done under anaesthetic at a hospital or day surgery centre.  All procedures are done as day cases. 

You will need to complete hospital admission forms, surgical consent, and financial consent forms for your Gastroenterologist and the Anaesthetist. Please click here for information on Fees

Outpatient Procedures

Capsule endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure where the patient swallows a small pill camera and wears a device to record the images taken of the small bowel. This is a day case procedure, administered in the consulting rooms. No anaesthetic is required, and the fee is bulk billed for Medicare card holders. 

Our admin staff will book you for a date and location that suits.  You will need to fast prior to the procedure.  You will be sent your booking details and comprehensive instructions on what to do before your procedure and what to expect afterwards. 

Fibroscan® is a non-invasive ultrasound type procedure used to diagnose and monitor the progress of liver disease. Fibroscan is conducted by a doctor or nurse in a consulting session.  The procedure generally takes about 20 minutes, and you are required to fast for two hours prior. Refer to Fees for costs associated with Fibroscan.    

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a consultation before my procedure?

All procedures (apart from Fibroscan) will require a consultation with your doctor before proceeding.  This may be in person or via Telehealth. 

Do I need a referral?

All patients referred for consultation or procedures (including Fibroscan, capsule endoscopy and direct access endoscopy) require a referral from a General Practitioner or other doctor.  This assists with providing your doctor with your medical history and entitles Medicare holders to a rebate (except Fibroscan).  Referrals from your GP last for 12 months.

How will I get the results of my procedure?

You will generally have a consultation with either our Practice Nurse or one of the Gastroenterologists following your procedure to go over the findings and formulate a treatment plan if required.  In some case you will be returned to the care of your General Practitioner for your results.

What if I don’t have private health insurance?

Practitioners are happy to see all patients for consultation, regardless of whether you have insurance or not.  If you require a procedure your doctor will discuss with you whether you wish to proceed as self-funded through a private hospital or referred onto the public waiting list.